Agency: The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC)
Soteria’s Role: Program Development and Implementation
Completion Date: Scheduled for 2027
Project Overview
In 2021, The Metropolitan Transportation Commission adopted Plan Bay Area 2050 (PBA 2050), the long-range plan for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. As the Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy, PBA 2050 must chart a path to to reduce per-capita greenhouse gas emissions from the passenger vehicle sector by 19 percent, as estiablished by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) under Sentate Bill 375. To help achieve this target, PBA 2050 includes strategies to support the development of charging infrastructure and accelerate electric vehicle and electric mobility options (e.g., electric bikes, scooters, carshare, and assistance mobility devices). Additionally, CARB is instituting various statewide regulations requiring the adoption of zero-emission vehicles, including the Innovative Clean Transit rule, which requires transit operators to transition to 100% zero-emission bus fleets by 2040.
In 2023, MTC approved the development of a set of transportation electrification (TE) initiatives to implement PBA
2050’s clean vehicle strategies. The TE Initiatives include investments in four areas:
- Charging infrastructure
- Electric bikeshare
- Local municipal fleet electrification
- planning and regional program strategy
Soteria’s Contribution
Soteria is overseeing a bench team to provide ongoing Program Development and Implementation support to MTC.
- Program Strategy
- Identify structure, actions, timelines, outreach, and other steps to develop and implement a program
- Program Funding and Grant-Seeking
- Develop funding plans for programs or projects
- Track federal, state, and other funding program
- Coordinate partnerships to pursue funding opportunities
- Develop templates, guidance, and other materials to prepare for grant or other funding opportunities
- Support applications for grants, incentives, rebates, and other funding opportunities, including developing narratives, project descriptions, benefit analyses, cost assessments, graphics, maps, etc.
- Program Administration
- Develop necessary program infrastructure and implement program
- Develop outreach or marketing plans and campaigns for programs or projects
- Develop program marketing materials and collatera
- Conduct outreach to property owners of candidate sites for potential charging infrastructure or other TE project
- Provide guidance on Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) credits, including regulation, registration, calculation, reporting, verification, optimization, vendor agreements, etc.
- Program Evaluation
- Develop program evaluation plan
- Develop metrics aligned with program or project goals
- Collect and analyze data
- Assess GHG impacts and other performance measures of program or project
- Education and Training
- Develop education or training curriculum
- Develop guidance or training materials
- Develop education materials about programs or projects
- Deliver education or training sessions, forums, expert panels, networking, or other information sharing convenings
- Coordinate ride-and-drive events, technology demonstrations, vendor exhibitions, or other experiential events