Tom Griego


More than 30 years of professional transportation experience encompassing rail, bus, and aviation systems engineering, safety, certification, reliability, maintainability, security, and ergonomics.  Currently performing system safety and security planning and analysis for urban rail projects in Los Angeles and commuter rail projects in Riverside, CA. Performed system safety and security assessments and reviews for more than 20 agencies, departments and organizations across the U.S.

Mr. Griego’s rail vehicle experience includes the following projects:

Reviewed a Fire and Ignition Source Hazard Analysis previously completed for the Metrolink rail fleet to assess its suitability for the certification of the Perris Valley Extension Project
Performed a Threat and Vulnerability Assessment (TVA) for the Metro Crenshaw/LAX Light Rail Transit Project, including an assessment of the P2000 and P2020 light rail vehicles
Performed an ergonomics analysis of the San Francisco Muni Breda Light Rail vehicle operator cab layout to identify and resolve design concerns
Provided safety and security analysis and certification support for the procurement of the original Metro Red Line A650 rail cars