Safety and Security Timelines Are Critical in Achieving Start of Revenue Service
Transit projects have a schedule to meet, with the ultimate goal of initiating revenue service. Design, planning and construction all work with schedules and timelines that designate step-by-step goals, and it should come as no surprise that goals are also set to guide Soteria in meeting safety and security deadlines that support our clients in achieving timely start of revenue service.
How does a safety and security timeline lay out such deadlines? As with other design, planning and construction schedules, the timeline indicates the order in which specific goals should be initiated, and the necessary date for completion in order to support start of revenue service. Soteria’s current work on the Redlands Passenger Rail Project Construction Management Team illustrates this process.
The Redlands Passenger Rail Project
The Redlands Passenger Rail Project is being constructed for The San Bernardino County Transit Authority (SBCTA) in southern California. This project will provide a modern, safe and reliable passenger rail transit system to connect the San Bernardino Transit Center and the University of Redlands. The current service model proposed is a frequent-headway diesel multiple unit (HCV) commuter service operating between San Bernardino and Redlands, augmented by a limited number of Metrolink conventional express trains providing access to its region-wide network. This model also preserves limited freight service for the remaining customers on the line.
Our timeline for the Redlands Project
As a member of the Redlands Project Construction Management team, Soteria is providing safety and security planning, analysis, and certification services. We are leading the safety and security program for the design and construction phases of the project in accordance with SCRRA, CPUC, FRA and FTA guidelines, regulations, policies, procedures, manuals, and standards. While yet-to-be achieved target dates for this project are confidential, below is an indication of how we track project goals.
Redlands Passenger Rail Project Safety and Security Timeline
Safety and Security Certification Program Plan (SSCPP) Approval
Soteria completed the support and facilitation of the SSCPP on July 1, 2020. During this process, we:
- Updated the SSCPP document as required (and will continue to provide necessary updates during project duration)
- Provided key Lead / Support for the Safety and Security Certification meetings, including scheduling, meeting minutes, and presentation of final certification packages
- provided Fire/Life Safety (F/LS) Committee Support, scheduling meetings, preparing meeting minutes, and facilitating resolution of action items
Safety and Security Design Criteria Conformance Checklists
Soteria is responsible for developing and preparing Safety and Security Certification Design Checklists for this project. This process involves:
- Coordination and facilitation of checklist verification
- Audits
- Certification of completed checklists for final acceptance
The Redlands Project’s Mainline and Arrow Maintenance Facility Safety and Security Design Conformance Checklists were certified as of July 23, 2020. We’re currently in the process of completing the Construction Conformance Checklists for certification. As we near completion of those checklists, we’ll begin preparing the project’s Safety and Security Verification Report. At that point, the Safety and Security tasks needed for the Redlands Project’s start of revenue service will be complete.
If your transit project has safety and security needs that have to support your scheduled start of revenue service, we’d be glad to sit down with you and work out a timeline that illustrates exactly how Soteria Company will support your project goals and meet your deadlines – safely.
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Transit projects have a schedule to meet, with the ultimate goal of initiating revenue service. Design, planning and construction all work with schedules and timelines that designate step-by-step goals, and it should come as no surprise that goals are also set to guide Soteria in meeting safety and security deadlines that support our clients in achieving timely start of revenue service.
Safety and Security Design Criteria Conformance Checklists
Soteria is responsible for developing and preparing Safety and Security Certification Design Checklists for the SBCTA Redlands Passenger Rail Project. This process involves:
- Coordination and facilitation of Design Conformance Checklists (completed in July 2020)
- Coordination and facilitation of Construction Conformance Checklists (in progress)
- The Safety and Security Verification Report (SSCVR)
Once the Checklists are verified and certified and the SSCVR is complete and approved, Soteria will have completed the safety and security tasks needed to support the project’s start of revenue service.